Producer Responsibility and WEEE in Finland

Finnish WEEE Regulations

Compliance with the WEEE Directive is well-established in Finland. The Waste Act was amended in 2004 to provide framework legislation to introduce producer responsibility for a number of waste streams, including WEEE Ordinance 852/2004, transposing the WEEE Directive, was adopted in September 2004.

Baxter Obligation

Baxter is required to finance the collection, treatment, recycling and recovery of WEEE that your new purchase replaces, on a one-for-one, like-for-like basis.
Under the Decree, Baxter is also required to finance the collection, treatment, recycling and recovery of any new electrical and electronic equipment that you buy from Baxter after August 13th 2005, when that new equipment eventually becomes waste. This is referred to as New WEEE.
The members of Elker Oy take a collective responsibility for historic waste.

WEEE Collection & Recycling Information

Baxter has established a recycling contract with Elker Oy, fees paid cover any costs of treatment, recycling and recovery of the equipment. In view of the above, all Historic and New WEEE that arises from the purchase of Baxter products is classed as non-hazardous waste.

Health & Safety Information

Baxter's customers sending equipment for recycling are required to provide a decontamination certificate for medical equipment prior to collection. Infected WEEE is not included under the scope of the directive and customers should be aware that WEEE that presents a health or safety risk to personnel because of contamination will be refused for collection.